Norman Y. Mineta: A Boy from San Jose

Uploaded by Heritage Series on 2015-11-06.

The documentary short, Norman Y. Mineta: A Boy from San Jose is provided for use under an Educational, Library or Exhibition License.

This short 14 minute film, Norman Y. Mineta: A Boy from San Jose, tells the story of an American boy born to Japanese American parents in California. During WWII, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 requiring all people of Japanese descent living on the West Coast and Hawaii interned to concentration camps. The Mineta family was incarcerated at Heart Mountain, WY. This indignity inspired Norman to fight for the civil rights of all Americans. Norman Mineta served in the United States Army, the San Jose City Council, elected San Jose Mayor, and went on to serve the people of San Jose as their Member of Congress for twenty years. He then became the first Asian American Cabinet Secretary to serve two Presidents in succession, President Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce and President Bush’s Secretary of Transportation.

The intention of this film is to stimulate thought and to elicit questions while making the discussion of this subject fun and interesting.

This film and guide can be used across many subject matters, such as:

Government World History

- Law. - Human Rights
- Politics - Religion
- Current Affairs - Current Affairs

U.S. History

- Civil Rights
- Western Expansion
- Current Affairs

View Norman Y. Mineta: A Boy from San Jose via Vimeo On Demand.
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Following the purchase of a License for this item you will be sent a DVD of Norman Y. Mineta: A Boy from San Jose.